Thursday, June 6, 2013

access the Internet through blocks in cernet

I. What is the problem

in this case, i am going to solve two problems at one time:

a) as far i as i know, overseas access via CERNET maintains a bandwidth at the average of 8kb/s, which drive you crazy

b) china GFW blocks almost every popular website around the world

II. The idea

it turns out that:

a) access overseas resource via a proxy which set up in nearest city is usually faster

b) GFW will not block secure connections

so suppose i am in Tianjin, i am gonna use two servers: A set up in Beijing and B set up in US, and a maintained website list to solve the problem.


a) accessing mainland websites, just go directly

b) accessing overseas non-blocked websites, use A as proxy which makes it faster

c) accessing overseas blocked websites, first access B via proxy A, and access the target website via B, which get through the blocks with a impressive speed.

III. Tools

use proxifier ( to redirect connections set up by localhost.

use plink ( to set up secure tunnel from localhost to server A.

use autossh ( to maintain a secure tunnel from server A to server B, otherwise it will be unable for us to get through blocks.

IV. How to

a) configure ssh-key for A and B in order to give A free access to B without typing password

b) add the following command line to daemon on server A:
autossh -f -M 5678 -CfNg -D portAB serverB

c) set up a plink process on localhost:
plink.exe serverA -N -ssh -2 -D portA

d) create proxy servers in proxifier: and

e) combine a proxy china using these two proxies named Tunnel-US

f) set up rules:
in this case i have to redirect all connections to US & CA to
and all blocked connections to Chain Tunnel-US

g) enjoy twitter

V. Next step

so far i have to build these rules manually for there is no such list that could provide which website is overseas or which websites is blocked.

there is a page provides monitored domains that are blocked:

that makes it possible to fill rules automatically.

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